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Wallens Professional Safe Opening, Guide to Choosing the Correct Safe – And Where to Buy It.
See Video Below!
Choosing the correct safe for your needs, can be a complicated task, there are many different kinds of safes in the marketplace. Safes are designed and built to provide specific protections for the items you want to place in them. Choices include burglary safes, fire/record safes, depository safes, media/data safes, gun safes, wall safes and even more.
Safes are sold in many places, hardware stores, sporting goods stores, office supply stores, “big box retailers” of all types, even on the Internet. When you consider buying a safe from these sources, you need to answer a few questions.
- Who is going to help me decide what type of safe I need? Do you really want advice on protecting your valuables from a minimum wage clerk at the local mall?
- How is my safe going to be shipped? No matter how low the price, you will still have to pay shipping charges, safe are heavy, hard to handle and move.
- Who is going to install it, and be sure it is secure? Many safes gain security by being bolted to the floor or wall, if this is not done correctly a thief could just remove the safes from you home or business.
- Who is going to service and maintain it? In order to operate correctly and provide the protection you expect, lock and bolt mechanisms should be checked and maintain on a periodic basis.
Safes are also sold by specialized safe retailers and many locksmith stores, these folks make their living selling and servicing safes, they are the experts. When you buy your safe from a specialized safe retailer or locksmith who sells safes, they will help you make the correct choice. Wallens Professional Safe Opening is a professional safe retailer we are the experts, we are fully qualified to help you choose the correct safe for your unique needs. Some criteria you will need to consider are:
- What items do you want to protect?
- What do you want to protect them from?
- Where are you going to keep your safe?
- How much space do you need?
These are only a few of the questions you need to answer in order to choose the correct safe for the job at hand. Choosing who to ask. or who to answer these questions, could be as important as which safe you choose.
Check the links and the video below, to start you in the right direction.
FAQ’s for choosing the correct safe.
- If you keep your business documents and records, in your home or at your place of business, you need a fire safe. Statistics show that if a company’s records are lost in a fire, 17% can no longer furnish a financial statement, 14% suffer a reduction in credit rating and 43% go out of business completely. No home or business is safe from fire.
- If you keep cash or valuables at home at your place of business, or in a safe deposit box, you may want to consider a burglary safe or high security container.
- If you have a high traffic retail business, where a lot of cash is handled, you may benefit from a depository safe, or skim safe, to control the who has access to your cash and for how long.
- If you keep computer media on your premises, it should be stored in a media safe.
- If you keep guns for sport or hunting, they should be stored in a gun safe.
Video Presentation on Choosing a Safe – “Racing to The Bottom”
Related articles
- 6 Tips for Choosing The Right Home Safe (wisebread.com)
- Howstuffworks “How Safecracking Works” (home.howstuffworks.com)